How does CHAENG realize safety and clear production in the casting process
2021-07-17 | Editor:
CHAENG, a large steel casting factory, strictly manages the entire production process of castings to ensure that each production link is carried out in accordance with the standards. And it also pays attention to improving the level of environmental management in production.
For example, in the production process of slag pot processing, CHAENG has done the following in order to achieve safety, environmental protection, and clean production:
casting slag pot
1. Electric furnaces and other melting furnaces or stations before furnace melting need to be equipped with flue gas emission treatment systems;
2. Corresponding essence treatment is required before the charge is put into the furnace;
3. Work stations that are prone to exhaust gas need to be equipped with effective exhaust purification equipment;
4. According to the discharge and quantity of sewage, the type, and content of pollution factors, it is necessary to adopt appropriate and effective treatment methods, and establish corresponding sewage treatment facilities at the same time;
5. Regularly check whether the discharge of pollutants meets the standard to ensure that the discharge meets the standard and can continue to improve;
6. Ensure that the production or environmental protection equipment does not run, emit, or drip, especially the noise station can be equipped with comprehensive control facilities;
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