Manufacturer of high-precision large girth gear
2019-08-21 | Editor:
The large girth gear belong to the ball mill and the transmission of the rotary kiln, and the fineness requirements are very high during use. A slight error will result in the gear being unusable.
First, the accuracy level of the large girth gear.
The large girth gear has a total of 13 accuracy levels, and the accuracy level is identified by the number zero to twelve. The higher the digital level, the lower the accuracy. Accuracy is an important measure and collocation principle when configuring large girth gears in mechanical equipment. In the selection of the precision of the large girth gear, it should be specifically measured according to the use of the rotating part, the working speed, the length of the circumference, etc., and the standard of accuracy is reached.
Second, the precision of the large girth gear.
In the use of mechanical equipment, large girth gears play an important role. The large girth gears are widely used in dryer parts, rotary kiln parts, tumble dryer parts, ball mill steel casting  parts and complete sets of production line accessories.
The accuracy of the gears will be set according to different industries. Different manufacturers meet different precision requirements according to industry standards. CHAENG can fully meet the requirements of customers in the precision of the large girth gear. For example, in the production of agricultural machinery, the precision of these large girth gears can be controlled between 8 and 10. If it is used in the building materials industry or the grinding industry, the precision needs to be controlled in response requirements, and the accuracy of the gears of different industries on the large girth gear. The requirements are different. Different gear precisions for different equipments are a customary method adopted by the industry. For precision equipment such as gears, it is necessary to pursue excellence to enable mechanical equipment to operate more efficiently.
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